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Asthma Symptoms

BreathWorks: Singing, Breathing, and Healing

Carl Stough, a conductor and musician, turned his interest and knowledge of singing and breathing into a breathing therapy for people with lung conditions: Stough taught Flanigan to think and breathe differently. “Life begins and ends on the exhalation,” Stough says. Though many of us may find this surprising, Stough is right. It’s the exhalation that is the key to life’s beginning, just as it is the exhalation that ends it. He teaches his clients to stop holding their breath, to cease “confining” it, and he tells them it’s all in the letting go. This refocusing of thought and breath helps the bodily organs and systems (the lungs, the diaphragm, the nervous and hormonal systems) to release and expand in ways that cannot be experienced otherwise. Quite naturally, the voice becomes stronger and more resonant. Under Stough’s guidance, Flanigan learned to Focus on fully releasing her breath; in doing this, she began releasing her attachment to grief as well. This gave Flanigan the space she needed to rise to a new level in her singing and in her life. Where before she sang of grief, she now sang of joy.

Where and when do you hold your breath, hold on to grief, refuse to let go? The Breathometer exercise gives you the chance to make some potent observations regarding these issues.

The Breathometer

A barometer is a scientific instrument that measures atmospheric pressure. But we also use the term as an indicator of other kinds of fluctuations that are not necessarily scientific. For example, opinion polls serve as a barometer of public likes and dislikes, or the tone of someone’s voice may act as a barometer of his or her mood. The Breathometer is an indicator, as well. But, instead of attending to atmospheric pressures related to weather conditions, it indicates another kind of pressure in the atmosphere — the kind generated by the people, places, and situations in your life that provoke breath holding and induce asthma symptoms. The Breathometer shows how the changes in the atmosphere of your mental and emotional life affect how you breathe — and beyond this, how they can trigger an asthma attack or prevent one from coming

The simple Focusing exercise that follows gives you the opportunity to become aware of those times when you are breath holding, which is the first step toward breaking this unhealthy and damaging habit. It’s not only asthmatics who hold their breath. All of us refuse to let go of things, including anger, resentment, grief over losses, stories about the past, youth, beauty, material possessions of every kind, and one another. Naturally (or unnaturally), we attach our anxiety, depression Dapoxetine in Canada sadness, fear, anger, tension, excitement to our breath, and we hold it. We do this whether we expect good news or are afraid of hearing the worst, and we do it even while we’re asleep.

The importance or otherwise of parenthood

It was only females who said their desire for children sprang from experience with children within their own family:

  • I’d like to have children…because I think I’ve grown up with quite a big family and I’m used to like y’know having lots of children around… I’ve got a niece, she’s three, so I look after her a lot. So I’ve grown used to y’know having children around so I’d like responsible-parenthoodchildren of my own to bring up. (Girl, 14)

However, members of both sexes appeared influenced by family members advising them of their potential parenting qualities:

  • Right, to have my own children…yeah I’d like Cialis in Australia here to have children. My mum said I would be a good dad. (Boy, 14)

Some had arrived at that conclusion for themselves:

  • I think I would be a good mum. (Girl, 16)

They’re so cute…

There were gender differences in seeing babies as desirable in themselves. Some females wanted children because they ‘just like babies’, often referring to the fact that they are ‘cute’:

  • I’d like to have children of my own because I like babies and stuff. My mum’s friend has just had a baby and she brought it over for us to have a look at it and she was really cute. (Girl, 11)
  • I don’t want to go into labour or anything like that but I do want children because I think they are sweet. (Girl, 14)
  • I don’t really know why…

Some struggled to find words to explain their strong desire to become parents:

  • I don’t really know why I want to have children of my own but it is something that is important. I couldn’t really think of the words to describe it, I just know I want them when I’m older. (Boy, 13)
  • Then to have children, oh, I can’t wait just to have a little one of me or maybe a few of them. I don’t know why, it’s just to like run about with your kids. (Boy, 16)

Prioritizing other ambitions ahead of parenthood

For some the idea of having children of their own was seen either as not important or as potentially problematic. While the majority indicated that they would probably want children at some stage, there were some who seemed to consider it an unlikely choice. Further analysis from the inter-views suggests a mixed picture of ‘meaning of parenthood’ to this group.

I want to get my ambitions done first

Many indicated that the need to achieve other things in their own lives would take priority over parenthood, at least in early adulthood:

  • Yeah. I don’t want children like straight away. I want to get my ambitions done first… I want to settle into and then get used to my like own life like cos I’ll be going out into the big wide world… And I want to get used to all that and then settle down. (Girl, 14)
  • I would like to have a family of my own but I’d probably concentrate on getting my own life sorted out first, education wise, going to col-lege and then if someone comes along, settle down and have children of my own. (Boy, 16)

Sexual Dysfunction and Dissatisfaction

Traditional myths maintain that women have sexual problems, but men don’t. A real man is always ready for sexual performance with no questions, doubts, or concerns. Cialis in Canada What bravado. A number of studies indicate that sexual dysfunction (SD) is common. Almost every man at some point in his life will experience an SD. At any given point in time, about 35–40% of individuals (31% of men, 43% of women) have an SD. We live in a culture that idealizes and exaggerates the idea that sex should be spontaneous, perfect, or great every time. Yet it is normal to have sexual difficulties. One study found that 97% of men (95% of women) had an important sexual concern at some point in his life, important enough to want to talk with their doctor. Yet only 23% of the men reported that they did in fact discuss their concerns with a professional clinician.

Men’s partners also frequently experience sex dysfunction – viagra canada. A good number of couples experience multiple, simultaneous sex dysfunctions. For example, she experiences pain with intercourse while he has erectile dysfunction; or he has premature ejaculation and she experiences low sexual desire. It is crucial that you appreciate any sexual difficulty she may experience, because your SD could be a response to her difficulties. Cooperate as a team to work together regardless of the SD. Bring the same acceptance and support to her that you want for yourself.

Determining the Causes and Effects of SD

There are a number of possible causes and effects of SD — physical, psychological, and relational. If you have a persistent SD, you and your partner can decide what you want to do to address it and whether you would benefit from professional consultation.

Physical Factors

Medical Illness and Side Effects of Medications. Medical illness does not stop sexual function, but it usually does alter it. Whether diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, hormone imbalance, or multiple sclerosis, the first task is to be an active, knowledgeable patient. Obviously, cure is the ideal outcome, but many diseases are chronic and must be successfully managed. You can live your life with the disease: it need not control your life or your sexual relationship. You need to be a disciplined patient — follow the medical protocol, take prescribed medication, and follow healthy behavioral habits.

The most common medical cause of SD is side effects of medications – cialis professional Canada. This is especially true of antidepressant and hypertensive medications, but a large number of prescription and over the counter medications can have negative sexual side effects. We have two suggestions for how to address this problem. First is to consult with your physician (or pharmacologist or trusted medical Web site) about all the medications you take and their possible sexual side effects. Side effects are quite variable for the individual so you need to be a personal scientist regarding your illness, medications, and medication side effects.